
ProjecteSD: A Platform For Dialogue Between Artists

ProjecteSD is a contemporary gallery based in Barcelona, Spain. The gallery was established in 2003, and its program has been carefully crafted to foster a dialogue between renowned and emerging artists.

The gallery's goal is to promote its artists in the international art contemporary scene and introduce international artists to the Spanish audience. ProjecteSD combines a diverse exhibition program with significant events that go beyond the conventional exhibition format.

ProjecteSD's activities: Art Fairs and Publishing

The gallery pays special attention to the artist's books and has a permanent section of selected publications. As a publisher, ProjecteSD has been actively involved in its own editorial endeavors since 2008. Additionally, the gallery produces limited-edition posters for each exhibition.

ProjecteSD participates in prestigious international art fairs, including (Basel), FIAC Paris, and ARCO Madrid. The gallery represents a roster of renowned artists and emerging talents. Visitors can immerse themselves in the works of gallery artists such as Hans-Peter Feldman, Ana Jotta, Patricia Dauder, Xavier Ribas, Christoph Weber, Allen Ruppersberg, and many more. 

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About the Artwork Ruppersberg Allen. Where S Al. Part Ii   the Sequel. 1997
About the Artwork Vermeersch Pieter. Projecte Sd Add 02
About the Artwork Vermeersch Pieter. Projecte Sd Add 01
About the Artwork Guillaume Leblon. the Constant Repetition of False 2013
About the Artwork Dedobbeleer Koenraad. Sache. Gallery of Material Culture 2019
  • Location
  • Barcelona, Passatge Mercader, 8 Baixos 1, 08008