Raimond Chaves

Raimond Chaves is a Colombian artist born in 1963. He has participated in various fellowships and residencies, including the Year of the Artist/Arts Council Residency (Liverpool, 2001); M&M Proyectos-Fortaleza 302 (San Juan, 2003); Fellowship Fundación Botín (Santander, 2008); and Fundación Flora Ars + Natura (Bogotá, 2015), among others.

Raimond Chaves' Art Style

Raimond Chaves' artistic practice is centered on drawing, a medium that has consistently featured throughout his career. He views drawing as a versatile tool capable of addressing a wide array of subjects, enabling him to blend different formats, styles, and approaches.

Sharing a mutual interest and commitment to the Latin American context with artist Gilda Mantilla, Chaves utilizes various mediums such as drawings, wall installations, posters, archival materials, collective projects, and workshops.

Collaborating frequently, Mantilla & Chaves interpret genres and traditions associated with drawing, cartography, landscape, and portraiture, while also offering ironic reflections on Latin American imagery.

Exhibitions of Raimond Chaves' Artworks

Recent solo exhibitions of Raimond Chaves' works include "Lux" (with Gilda Mantilla) at 80m2 - Livia Benavides in Lima (2019), "Condiciones que existen" at 80m2 – Livia Benavides in Lima (2018), "La Vida Abstracta de Billy Murcia" at ProjecteSD in Barcelona (2016), and many more.

Chaves has also participated in group exhibitions worldwide, including "Cinco itinerarios con un punto de vista. Colección MUSAC" at MUSAC in León (2020), "Borrowed Spaces – Regular Features" at ProjecteSD in Barcelona (2020), "Lots of flying objects" at Queens Museum in New York (2019), "Peregrinaciones, derivas, desvíos y errabundeos" at Permanente in Bogotá (2018), among others. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1963

  • Country:

    Peru, Lima

  • Gallery:
