About the Artwork Patricia Dauder Portrait Bw 400x400

Patricia Dauder

Patricia Dauder is a contemporary artist who endeavors to encapsulate elusive elements, including time, fleeting moments, ephemeral paths, etc.

Biography of Patricia Dauder

Patricia Dauder was born in 1973 in Barcelona, Spain. From 1991 to 1996, she studied at Facultat de Belles Arts Sant Jordi at Universitat de Barcelona. Later, she honed her skills at Hogeschool voor de Kunst en Vormgeving in 's-Hertogenbosch (1997). From 1997 to 1998, Patricia Dauder attended Ateliers Arnhem in Arnhem. 

She has served as a resident artist at esteemed venues and platforms such as ISCP International Studio and Curatorial Program (Brooklyn, 2011), Projeto Sonae/Serralves (Porto, 2012), Meet Factory (Prague, 2018), and Kunsthaus Bregenz (2020).

Patricia Dauder has received several awards and grants throughout her artistic career, including Generación 2000-Awards and Fellowships from Caja Madrid (2000), CAM Becas de Artes Plásticas (2009), DKV / MARCO de Vigo Production Grant (2015), and many more.

Her recent solo exhibitions include "Ground and Underground" at La Virreina Centre de la Imatge in Barcelona (2021), "Pelze" at DWDS in Bregenz (2020), "Hollow" at ProjecteSD in Barcelona (2019), and many more. 

Patricia Dauder's works have been featured in group exhibitions worldwide, including "Bajo la Superficie. Monstruos, miedos y sombras" at ProjecteSD in Barcelona (2020), "Coleccionando Procesos: 25 años de Intinerarios" at Centro Botín in Santander (2019), "XIV Bienal de Cuenca. Estructuras Vivientes" at Cuenca (2018), "Villa Toronto" at Union Station in Toronto (2015), among others. 

Patricia Dauder's Art Style

Patricia Dauder's artistic vision transcends the confines of the tangible world that surrounds us. She endeavors to encapsulate elusive elements: time, fleeting moments, ephemeral paths, intangible concepts, and distant locales. Employing a diverse array of mediums, ranging from sculptures, objects, and drawings to films, she seeks to capture these elusive essences. While drawing holds a central position in her artistic journey, sculpture, moving images, and pictorial works on various surfaces have played pivotal roles for years, each contributing significantly to the understanding of her artistic oeuvre.

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