Reena Spaulings Fine Art

Established in 2004, Reena Spaulings Fine Art swiftly garnered a reputation as the most dynamic and inventive gallery outside of Chelsea.

Elevating Artistry: Reena Spaulings Fine Art's Dynamic Fusion of Local and Global Artists

Reena Spaulings Fine Art has developed a program featuring both local and international contemporary artists, all the while striving to redefine the format and purpose of a modern New York gallery. The gallery has proactively organized artist collaborations, performances, events, and numerous side projects.

Reena Spaulings Fine Art has played a pivotal role in fostering the solo careers of artists like Seth Price, Klara Liden, and others. Presently, the gallery represents a diverse lineup of artists, including Shadi Habib Allah, Valentina Liernur, Henrik Olesen, Heji Shin, Lee Williams, Stephen Willats, Alex Israel, and numerous others.

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About the Artwork Josephine Pryde. Lapses in Thinking by the Person I Am, Ica Philadelphia, 2015 (exibition)
About the Artwork Peter Fischli (reena Spaulings Fine Art Add 04)
About the Artwork Peter Fischli (reena Spaulings Fine Art Add 05)
About the Artwork Merlin Carpenter. Reena Spaulings Fine Art Add 3, 2015
About the Artwork Kim Gordon. Reena Spaulings Fine Art Add 02
About the Artwork Kim Gordon. Reena Spaulings Fine Art Add 01
  • Location
  • New York, 165 East Broadway