Marc Nagtzaam

Marc Nagtzaam has been creating a comprehensive body of work centered around a singular theme: the concept of pattern and repetition. Engaging in an endless pursuit of gathering fragments of information, he sketches lines, grids, and circles, as well as words or sentences.

Biography of Marc Nagtzaam

Marc Nagtzaam was born in 1968 in Helmond, The Netherlands. From 1987 to 1992, he attended the Academy of Fine Arts St. Joost in Breeda, The Netherlands. Later, from 1997 to 2000, the artist honed his skills studying at HISK in Antwerp, Belgium.

With a rich history of showcasing his artistic endeavors, Nagtzaam has extensively exhibited his work. His creations have been featured in both solo and group exhibitions. His recent solo exhibitions include "Regular Features" at art3 in Valence (2019), "Surplus" at Riot in Ghent (2018), and many more. 

Marc Nagtzaam has also participated in numerous group shows, including "Der Schnitt" at Valerie Traan in Antwerp (2019), "As Good a Place to Start as Any" at lxhxb in Eindhoven (2019), "The Line Up" at Central Museum in Utrecht (2018), "Copy Construct" at CC Mechelen in Mechelen (2017), among others.

Marc Nagtzaam's Art Style

The repetitive nature and graphic structure of Marc Nagtzaam's creations evoke minimal and conceptual aesthetics. His drawings are predominantly colorless and filled with dark graphite. Abstracted elements from various sources such as architecture, graphic design, found photographs, or his own previous works serve as the initial inspiration for each of his series. These source materials undergo a process of reduction, employing basic, elemental techniques—dots, lines, and flat surfaces—to construct a distinct structure within his compositions.

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