Galleria Raffaella Cortese

Raffaella Cortese, a fine art dealer and gallerist hailing from Milan, Italy, established her namesake art gallery in 1995, subsequent to her previous employment as a curator at the Luigi Pecci Centre for Contemporary Art in Prato.

The gallery is steadfast in its support of contemporary art, particularly by women artists, and has showcased the artworks of a myriad of internationally-renowned artists, which include, among others, Mona Hatoum, Marlene Dumas, and Shirin Neshat.

For her accomplishments in the field of contemporary art, Raffaella Cortese has received several accolades from esteemed organizations, such as the Italian Chamber of Commerce in New York and the Milan Chamber of Commerce.

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  • Location
  • Milan, Via Benedetto Marcello 44, 20124