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Pieter Vermeersch

Pieter Vermeersch's exploration of painting extends beyond traditional canvas boundaries. His artistic endeavors frequently involve expansive spatial interventions, challenging the confines of territory, whether within exhibition spaces or adapted to existing architectural environments.

Biography of Pieter Vermeersch

Pieter Vermeersch was born in 1973 in Kortrijk, Belgium. From 1991 to 1995, he studied at H.I.B.K., Higher Institute for Visual Arts in Sint Lucas, Ghent. Later, from 1999 to 2001, he attended HISK, Higher Institute for Fine Arts in Antwerp. 

He received several awards, including Young Belgian Painters Award - Centre for Fine Arts award (2007) and AICA Belgium Award for Best Exhibition 2019. 

His recent solo shows include "Hubble Trouble" at Galerie Greta Meert in Brussels (2023), "Pieter Vermeersch" at ProjecteSD in Barcelona (2022), "Resonance" with Ricardo Baruzzi at P420 in Bologna (2021), and many more. 

Vermeersch has also participated in group shows, including "Jef Verheyen. Window on Infinity" at KMSKA Royal Museum for Fine Arts in Antwerp (2024), "Everybody Talks About the Weather" at Fondazione Prada in Venice (2023), "I feel the way you feel" at Perrotin in Shanghai (2023), "ON THE LOOKOUT" at Fondation CAB in Brussels (2022), among others.

Currently, the artist resides and works between Turin in Italy and Antwerp in Belgium. 

Pieter Vermeersch's Art Style 

Vermeersch's artistic journey has been marked by a steadfast commitment to his singular vision. Since the late nineties, he has delved into the exploration of color, light, time, and space, continually evolving his approach. This ongoing artistic inquiry flows and expands through experimentation with new materials. His mural creations, whether conceived for exhibition spaces or adapted to existing architectural contexts, serve as pivotal elements in Vermeersch's oeuvre. These large-scale wall paintings and installations engulf and transform space, showcasing his mastery in gradation and color blending.

Vermeersch's renowned ephemeral palette and seamless integration of colors within a given environment are a testament to his intuitive response to each space. Alongside his mural works and canvas creations, his recent forays into stone further enrich his practice, forming an integral part of his artistic exploration.

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