About the Artwork Feldmann Hans Peter

Hans-Peter Feldmann

Hans-Peter Feldmann was born in 1941 in Düsseldorf, Germany. He might surprise by shying away from the conventional label of "artist." Instead, he embraced the titles of compulsive collector and appropriator of found images and everyday ephemera.

Hans-Peter Feldmann's Art Style

Hans-Peter Feldmann's works exhibit both aesthetic and conceptual simplicity, exploring the formal language of typology through pictorial assemblages of the often overlooked and mundane elements of life, such as strawberries, shoes, seated women in paintings, lips, romantic seascapes, and kitsch floral photography. With a clever twist on traditional aesthetics, he creates collections featuring classical paintings of nudes and portraits adorned with black crosses, red noses, and cross-eyes.

Feldmann purposefully circumvents the conventions of the art market and high culture by creating unsigned and undated works with limitless editions. Likewise, his artworks and exhibitions lack titles, allowing the pieces to convey their own meaning. In this way, he opposes commodification and commercialization, emphasizing the intrinsic value of art itself. He holds a democratic belief that art can't be owned, and its worth is solely determined by the personal experience of the viewer.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1941

  • Country:

    Germany, Dusseldorf

  • Gallery:
