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Barbara Bloom

Barbara Bloom is an American artist born in 1951 who is known for her conceptual and installation art that often incorporates found objects, photography, and language. Bloom's work often draws on a wide range of cultural references, including literature, art history, and popular culture. She is interested in the ways that cultural objects and narratives shape our perceptions of reality and how they can be reinterpreted and subverted through art.

Bloom's work is characterized by her exploration of the relationships between objects, language, and the viewer. She is interested in how everyday objects and images can be imbued with meaning and how they can shape our understanding of the world. Many of her installations are highly theatrical and immersive, inviting viewers to engage with the artwork in new and unexpected ways.

Bloom's work has been shown widely including exhibitions at: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam; Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam; Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles; and the Venice Biennale, among others.

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