About the Artwork 1 Artist Martha Rosler Portrait by Josep Fonti Pinup Magazine
© Photo by Josep Fonti

Martha Rosler

Martha Rosler is an American artist from Brooklyn, New York. She is known for her pioneering work in photography, video, and installation art, which addresses political and social issues such as feminism, consumerism, and the Vietnam War.  She attended Brooklyn College of the City University of New York and the University of California, San Diego, where she received her BA and MFA respectively. 

Rosler's work often incorporates found imagery and objects, which she recontextualizes to create new meanings and associations. In her famous series "House Beautiful: Bringing the War Home" (1967-72), Rosler juxtaposed images of the Vietnam War with photographs of affluent suburban homes, highlighting the stark contrast between domestic comfort and violent conflict. This series is regarded as a seminal work of feminist art, which critiqued the masculine culture of war and the complicity of domesticity in perpetuating it. Overall, Martha Rosler's art represents a powerful critique of dominant cultural and political systems, challenging viewers to question their assumptions and engage with the complexities of contemporary society.

She has had solo exhibitions at various institutions, internationally and in the US, including The Jewish Museum, New York (2018); the Seattle Museum of Art, Seattle (2016); the Museum of Modern Art, New York (2012); The Centro José Guerrero, Granada, Spain (2009-10); the Centre Pompidou, Paris (2000); the Museum of Modern Art, Oxford (1990); and the Dia Art Foundation, New York (1989). 

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