About the Artwork D6 B A4838 871 F 4207 8 D3 D 3 C1 B C518 E958

Mathilde Rosier

Born in Paris in 1973, Mathilde Rosier is a French artist who currently resides and works in Burgundy, France. Her work explores the physical and psychological aspects of ancient rituals and ceremonies, often taking on a fictional narrative. Rosier creates dreamlike situations through a combination of mediums, including painting, film, dance, and theatre, blurring the boundaries between conscious and unconscious realms.

Her artwork also comments on the need to return to harmonious ways of integrating human activity with the natural environment, including pre-industrial practices that may seem anti-rational. Rosier's recent solo exhibitions and performances have been featured at several locations around the world, such as the Museo MADRE in Naples, Italy, and the Razem Pamoja Foundation in Warsaw, Poland. Her work has also been displayed in various group exhibitions, including the Aargauer Kunsthaus in Aarau, Switzerland, and the Chiesa di San Lorenzo in Venice, Italy.

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