About the Artwork Jitka Hanzlova 768x1148 1

Jitka Hanzlová

Jitka Hanzlová is a Czech-German photographer known for her intimate and sensitive portraits of people and places. Hanzlová was born in Náchod, Czechoslovakia and later emigrated to Germany, where she studied photography at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen.

Hanzlová's work is characterized by a deep sense of empathy and connection with her subjects, whether they are people or landscapes. She often seeks out marginalized communities or overlooked places, using her camera to capture the humanity and dignity of her subjects. One of Hanzlová's most significant bodies of work is her series "Rokytník," which documents the lives of people in her hometown in the Czech Republic. The photographs are deeply personal and introspective, conveying a sense of longing and nostalgia for a place that Hanzlová left behind.

Throughout her career, Hanzlová has received numerous awards and accolades for her work, including the European Photography Award and Paris Photo Prize for Contemporary Photography. Her selected solo exhibitions include Yancey Richardson Gallery (New York, USA), Georg Kargl Fine Art (Wien, Austria), Galerie MAI 36 (Zürich, Switzerland), Galeria Raffaella Cortese (Milano, Italy) and National Galleries of Scotland, Scottish National Portrait Gallery (Edinburgh, UK), among others.

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