Galerie Carzaniga Basel

Since its inception on October 1st, 2004, Galerie Carzaniga Basel has been a beacon of artistic brilliance under the management of partners Philipp Hediger and Markus Rück. Nestled within the historic old town of Basel, this esteemed gallery showcases a diverse range of artworks, spanning from classic Swiss art to abstract expressionism, informal art, and contemporary masterpieces hailing from Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. With a primary focus on painting, Galerie Carzaniga Basel also embraces various other artistic mediums, including drawing, sculpture, and photography. Its location in a historic building creates a captivating juxtaposition, providing an accentuated historical contrast to the vibrant 20th- and 21st-century artworks on display.

At Galerie Carzaniga Basel, a deep appreciation for Swiss art forms the foundation of the gallery's exhibitions. The gallery proudly features works from renowned Swiss artistic movements such as Gruppe Rot-Blau and Gruppe 33, offering visitors a glimpse into the rich artistic heritage of the region. From the intricacies of classic Swiss art to the bold expressions of abstract and contemporary works, Galerie Carzaniga Basel curates a collection that represents the ever-evolving landscape of artistic expression.

The gallery's location in a historic building adds a layer of intrigue to the artistic journey. As visitors explore the captivating artworks, they are surrounded by architectural remnants of the past, creating a fascinating interplay between history and contemporary art. This juxtaposition serves to enhance the appreciation of both the artwork and the cultural significance of the gallery's surroundings.

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  • Location
  • Basel, Gemsberg 10 CH-4051