About the Artwork Giuliano Collina 1 1

Giuliano Collina

Giuliano Collina was born in Intra-Verbania in 1938 and has been residing in Como since 1944. He attended the Liceo Artistico di Brera in Milan and graduated from the Accademia di Belle Arti in 1962. He has taught at high schools, art academies, and the University of Insubria in Como, and has collaborated with architect Mario Botta at the Academy of Architecture of the Italian-speaking part of Switzerland in Mendrisio. Currently, he holds the position of "Drawing from Life" at the Accademia A. Galli in Como.

Collina has exhibited his works since 1962 and has participated in numerous public and private gallery awards and exhibitions, holding more than eighty solo exhibitions in Italy and abroad. He has also created public works, including a fresco in the theme of the Apocalypse in the Cemetery Church in Como (1961-62), a mural in the Sagnino-Como Elementary School (1981), and a large painting entitled "La Piazza" at the XVIII Milan Triennale (1992). Collina has also published art critiques in local newspapers in Como.

In recent years, he has also dedicated himself to sculpture, creating bronze and steel monuments for public and private spaces. A monograph about Collina, curated by Rachele Ferrario with an introductory essay by Enrico Crispolti, was published by Nomos Publishing House in 2010.

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