About the Artwork Diaporama Les Vanites De Christophe Hohler Exposees Au Lezard 1636034489

Christophe Hohler

Christophe Hohler was born in Basel, Switzerland in 1961.

He began his career as an offset printer and later attended the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg. Hohler's artwork focuses on the human body, with an emphasis on evoking attitudes rather than anatomical realism. In his current work, he foregrounds the painting's materiality and color, creating concise images that almost erase the subject. Hohler currently lives and works in France.

He has exhibited his work in galleries and museums across Europe, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Lyon, France and the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, Italy. Hohler has also been awarded several prizes, including the Prix Yvon Lambert in 2005.

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