About the Artwork Newcastle Journal +sofia+stevi 01

Sofia Stevi

Sofia Stevi is an artist born in Athens in 1982, currently living and working between Athens and London. She graduated from Central Saint Martin's School of Art & Design in 2009 and studied graphic design at Vakalo School of Art and Design. Stevi is also the co-founder of Fokidos 21, an artist-led project space in Athens, and Friary Road House poetry press.

She focuses on exploring the themes of femininity, identity, and spirituality through her use of vibrant colors, bold patterns, and intricate details. She creates visually rich and complex paintings that combine elements of traditional portraiture, folk art, and contemporary abstraction. Sofia draws on her personal experiences and cultural heritage to create works that celebrate women's strength, resilience, and beauty while challenging stereotypes and social norms. Through her art, Sofia aims to empower and inspire women and to create a sense of community and connection between women from different backgrounds and cultures.

Stevi Sofia has exhibited her work internationally in solo and group shows. Her recent exhibitions include a mural commission for the Onassis Foundation, a solo show at Societa delle Api in Monte Carlo, and a two-person show with Rachel Howard at Galeria Pelaires in Palma. She was awarded the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Artist Fellowship by ARTWORKS in 2022.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1982

  • Country:

    Greece, Athens

  • Gallery:

    The Breeder