About the Artwork Luke Svenskt Tenn 1573145652

Luke Edward Hall

Luke Edward Hall is a British interior designer and artist who was born in 1989. He is known for his playful and eclectic style, which combines traditional elements with bold colors and unexpected details.

Luke Edward Hall first gained attention in the design world in 2015 when he created a series of illustrations for the fashion brand Burberry. Since then, he has collaborated with a variety of fashion and interior design brands, including Christie's, Liberty London, and Svenskt Tenn.

In addition to his work as a designer, Luke Edward Hall is also an accomplished artist. He has exhibited his paintings and illustrations in galleries around the world, and his work has been featured in publications such as Vogue, The New York Times, and Architectural Digest.

Overall, Luke Edward Hall is considered one of the most promising young designers in the UK, and his unique vision and creative approach to design have earned him a growing following of fans and admirers.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1989

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, London

  • Gallery:

    The Breeder