Seth Price

In the dynamic realm of contemporary art, Seth Price has carved a niche for himself, attracting an international audience with his multi-disciplinary approach. Through a fusion of video, sculpture, sound, and written texts, Price delves into a conceptual space where appropriation, recirculation, and packaging become powerful tools for dissecting cultural production, information distribution, and the pervasive influence of ideology.

Seth Price's Art Style

By shifting and manipulating the remnants of commodity culture, his endeavors have encompassed early sampler-based academic music, anonymously circulated internet videos and art historical imagery. Through an exploration of the cultures engendered and redistributed by mass media technologies and information systems, Price fundamentally interrogates the creation and propagation of art and meaning.  

Price is also involved in the Continuous Project collective, which has been reprinting and distributing influential art texts and magazines since 2003, including the inaugural issue of Avalanche (1970). "Dispersion," Price's widely circulated illustrated manifesto on art, media, reproduction, and distribution systems, was initially crafted in 2001-02 for the catalogue of the Ljubljana Biennial of Graphic Art, later emerging as a published artist's book.

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