Nora Schultz

Nora Schultz is an artist whose practice is centered on exploring relations between various mediums, including painting, sculpture, performance, and language.

Biography of Nora Schultz

Nora Schultz was born in 9175 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. She attended Städelschule in her homecity (1998). In 2005, she attended an MFA Studies at Milton Avery Graduate School of the Arts, Bard College (New York). 

Throughout her artistic career, Schultz has received numerous grants, including the Ermenegildo Zegna Grant (2005), the Villa Romana Grant (2011), the Stiftung Kunstfond Grant (2012), and the Hessische Kulturstiftung Grant (2015). 

Nora Schultz's recent solo exhibitions include "Finished by Fish" at dépendance in Brussels (2023), "3 Months Later" at Klosterruine in Berlin (2022), "would you say this is the day?" at Secession in Vienna (2019), "CENT DENT" at Galerie Isabella Bortolozzi in Berlin (2017), and many more. 

Schultz's artworks have been featured in group shows held at various galleries worldwide, including dépendance (Brussels), Paula Cooper Gallery (New York), Maureen Paley (London), KW Institute for Contemporary Art (Berlin), MITCHELL-INNES & NASH (New York), among others.

Nora Schultz's Art Style

Nora Schultz delves into the interplay between painting, sculpture, performance, and language, often capturing the juncture where forms transition into signs and linguistic elements. Her fascination lies in the realm of translation and the transformations that unfold when external realities and cultural patterns are repurposed.

Primarily employing industrial materials sourced from the environs of her Berlin studio—varying metals, rugs, shafts, tubes, and ropes—Schultz's practice revolves around process and flux, exploring metamorphosis within diverse contexts. She reconfigures found objects into abstract sculpted paintings. Her sculptures frequently adopt the guise of printing machines, challenging the authority of grammatical forms and language in an active process of materialization.

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