Yorgos Prinos

Yorgos Prinos is a photographer based in Athens, Greece, who explores the intersection of power, violence, psychology, and politics through his work. Prinos is known for his painterly approach to photography, capturing scenes that often go unnoticed in our daily lives, from courtroom chaos to factory laborers at work. His intention is to create ethereal moments that prompt viewers to question their understanding of humanity and nature.

Despite the frenetic energy of the environments he captures, Prinos's photos convey a sense of stillness, drawing the viewer into a world of emotional complexity. He uses photographic techniques such as coupling, diptychs, triptychs, and careful control of light and shadow to create visual narratives that span multiple emotional registers. His images capture moments of intimacy, contemplation, and self-actualization, as well as those of absurdity, chaos, and mourning. The cinematic tension in Prinos's work encourages the viewer to engage actively with the complexities of the human experience.

Born in 1977, Prinos has developed a distinctive visual language that draws on his experiences of contemporary society, and his work is marked by a deep sense of humanity and an acute awareness of the ways in which power operates in our lives. Through his photographs, Prinos invites viewers to look more closely at the world around them, to question their assumptions and their understanding of themselves and others. His work is a testament to the power of art to challenge and inspire us, to broaden our perspectives, and to encourage us to think more deeply about the world we inhabit.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    Greece, Athens