Nabil Azab

Nabil Azab is a young, multidisciplinary artist of North African descent who was born in Paris, France in 1994. They currently live and work in kanien’kehá:ka territory, also known as Montreal. Azab's artistic practice revolves around the creation of abstract photographic works that challenge the objectivity and disciplinarity of the medium in contemporary life.

The artist employs a wide range of mediums, including drawing, painting, writing, and researching to create their abstract photographic works. Their works resist categorization and are often complex and multilayered, with each layer adding to the overall effect.

Azab's recent solo exhibitions include "Something good that never happened" at Afternoon Projects in Vancouver in 2022 and "the welling up which would not pass" at DRAC in Drummondville, Quebec, also in 2022. Both exhibitions showcase the artist's innovative approach to photography and their unique ability to create images that challenge the viewer's perception of reality.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1994

  • Country:

    France, Paris