About the Artwork 80
© Photo by (Dania Maxwell / Los Angeles Times)

Lotus Laurie Kang

Lotus Laurie Kang is a Toronto-based artist born in 1985 who works with photography, sculpture, and site-responsive installation. Her research interests include post-colonial feminist theory, sci-fi, feminist STS, and Chinese medicine/philosophy, which she combines with her own histories to explore the interrelationship between concrete and intangible forms of knowledge and world-making. Kang's work is embodied, affective, and viewed in non-structured, non-singular experiences and narratives. She regurgitates and parasitizes her sources, resulting in work that probes the multiplicitous, constructed nature of identity and the body and its knots to ancestral inheritance and larger social structures.

Kang has exhibited her work at various institutions, including the New Museum, SculptureCenter, and Helena Anrather in New York; Oakville Galleries in Oakville; The Power Plant, Franz Kaka, Cooper Cole, and Gallery TPW in Toronto; Remai Modern in Saskatoon; Galerie Antoine Ertaskiran and Projet Pangee in Montreal; Raster Gallery in Warsaw; and Camera Austria in Graz. She has also participated in artist residencies at Rupert in Vilnius, Tag Team in Bergen, The Banff Centre in Alberta, and Triangle Studios and Interstate Projects in Brooklyn. Kang is represented by Franz Kaka.

Kang's installations engage with the conditions and structures of becoming, both systemic and organic, and enact de-constructions and re-constructions in a continuous loop to reflect the materiality of our bodies: porous, leaking, and continually transforming. She uses flexible track for site-responsive wall sculptures, unfixed photo papers that continuously change and respond to their environments, and fermentation vessels symbolizing the body as a carrier. Her work is marked by an ethos of 'mis-use,' framing the body as an ongoing process and challenging binary concepts of inside/outside and self/other.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Canada, Toronto