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Jesper List Thomsen

Jesper List Thomsen is an artist whose work is deeply rooted in language and the human body, ultimately leading to his paintings. His practice explores the ways in which our subjectivity and physicality are shaped by digital and patriarchal conditioning, and he mobilizes a language that allows the body to be broken down and given over to utterance. List Thomsen's process involves collecting language through intense study of artwork, repeated readings of authors, or by moving through a geographic location. His paintings are composed using a variety of materials, including marker-pen, tape, stencils, PVC, digital print, and paint, each performing a distinct mark in relation to the body. Over time, List Thomsen dismantles and rearranges these works through layering and delayering, creating a continuous evolution of the work.

List Thomsen also performs his writing within the context of the paintings, as live readings and sonic works. By deploying text, reading groups, performance, and painting, he activates the potential in a certain multiplicity and engages with the representational tissue of our cultural and political present. After working within the artist and curatorial collective Am Nuden Da from 2008, he has been practicing solo since 2015. List Thomsen's work encourages a deep examination of the ways in which language and the body intersect and how we can break down and rebuild our understanding of ourselves within cultural and political systems.

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