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HaeAhn Woo Kwon

HaeAhn Woo Kwon is a visual artist from South Korea who specializes in drawing, sculpture, and installation art. Her works explore the themes of improvisation and makeshift, inspired by vernacular architecture found in the urban environment of her native country. Kwon transforms everyday objects to bring attention to the tension between a culture of excess and the resourcefulness that arises from crises.

Kwon has a Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Guelph and a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Cooper Union. In addition to her independent practice, she often collaborates with Canadian artist Paul Kajander, working under the name HaeAhn Paul Kwon Kajander. Through their work, they challenge the constructs of identity, such as gender, ethnicity, and patriarchal lineage by combining given and family names.

Kwon has exhibited her works in various galleries and spaces in Canada, the United States, and South Korea. Some of her notable exhibitions include those at Franz Kaka, Support, and ESP in Canada, The Hand at Michael Benevento in the United States, and Samuso, Sempio Space, and Okin Theater in South Korea.

Kwon is grateful for the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

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  • Country:

    South Korea