Thomas Baumann
Within his body of work, Thomas Baumann seamlessly blends art categories, challenging values, systems of values, and forms. Through his electronic sculptures, machine-produced paintings, films, and installations, which grant visitors their own sphere of action, Baumann explores the structural connections between material and mental spaces.
Biography of Thomas Baumann
Thomas Baumann was born in 1967 in Altenmarkt. From 1985 to 1992, he attended the Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna.
During his illustrious career, Baumann has received numerous prizes and awards. Among them are the Anerkennungspreis Fingerprints, Sammlung Albertina (1989); Österreichischer Kurzfilmpreis, Diagonale Salzburg (1994); Römerquelle Kunstpreis (1997); Kunst am Bau Wettbewerb Landestheater Salzburg (2010); Chicago Residency (2011), China Residency (2014); 36. Österreichischer Grafikwettbewerb, Innsbruck (2019); and KEP, Wissenschaftsstipendium, Land Salzburg (2020).
Thomas Baumann has held solo exhibitions at various venues worldwide, including Nicolas Krupp (Basel), Galerie Sobering (Paris), Galerie Krobath (Berlin), Galerie Thoman (Vienna), Galerie Eugen Lendl (Graz), Museum Stift Admont (Admont), KurzNSTHALLE (Bregenz), and many more.
Currently, the artist lives and works in Vienna, Austria.
Born in 1967
Austria, Altenmarkt
Personal website