About the Artwork Portrait Benedikt Hipp E1441956040775

Benedikt Hipp

Benedikt Hipp is a German artist renowned for his paintings and three-dimensional pieces.

Biography of Benedikt Hipp

Benedikt Hipp was born in 1977 in Munich, Germany. From 2000 to 2002, he studied at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Nürnberg. He furthered his education at the Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Munich and the Accademia di Belle Arti in Bologna between 2002 and 2007. 

The artist received numerous grants, including the Cultural Award for Young Artist of Upper Bavaria (2004), the Cultural Funding Award of the City of Pfaffenhofen (2005), the Catalog Grant of Kunstfonds Bonn (2009), USA scholarship of the State of Bavaria (2014), among others.

From 2017 to 2019, Benedikt Hipp worked as a guest teacher at Züricher Hochschule der Künste.

Benedikt Hipp has gained recognition through numerous internationally acclaimed exhibitions. His solo shows include "WATER FROM THE SOURCE" at Galerie Kadel Willborn in Düsseldorf, "SONGS FROM THE CAVE" at Galleria Poggiali in Milan, "Benedikt Hipp" at Museum Villa Rot in Burgriede, "Abisso Calipso" at Monitor in Rome, "Vacation from Human" at Nicolas Krupp Gallery in Basel, and many more.

Furthermore, Benedikt Hipp's paintings and other works have been featured in various group exhibitions, including "Roma, a portrait" at Palazzo delle Esposizioni in Rome (2023), "see me - touch me" at Kunstraum Hase29 in Osnabrück (2022), "Conversation Piece VII" at Fondazione Memmo in Rome (2021), "Body Parts," with Kathrin Sonntag, at Galerie Kadel Willborn in Düsseldorf (2021), among others.

Currently, the artist lives near Munich, where he continues to work.

Benedikt Hipp's Art Style 

In his paintings and three-dimensional pieces, Benedikt Hipp explores the balance between body and mind, aesthetics and ethics, and the political dimensions of the individual. He challenges concepts and notions of individuality and identity that are becoming increasingly controllable and interchangeable in the age of self-design.

Benedikt Hipp's work places a central focus on the relationship to the iconographic power of objects, philosophical approaches, and phenomena of the times alongside the individual.

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