Lone Haugaard Madsen

Lone Haugaard Madsen is a Danish artist known for her conceptual works. Her installations, expansive yet meticulously crafted, become part of an ongoing cycle involving artistic production and reproduction, as well as presentation and representation, actively contributing to its continuous evolution. Employing both sculptural and painterly techniques in a spatial-installative manner, she critically examines the process of art production.

Biography of Lone Haugaard Madsen

Lone Haugaard Madsen was born in Silkeborg (Denmark) in 1974. From 1997 to 2002, she attended Der Jeske Kunstakademi in Århus. Later, from 2001 to 2004, she studied at Akademie der bildenden Künste in Vienna (Austria). 

Throughout her illustrious career, the artist has held numerous teaching positions. For example, in 2007, Lone Haugaard Madsen served as an Instructor at Elementary School, The Royal Danish Art Academy in Copenhagen. She also served as an Instructor at the Class of Heimo Zobernig at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna.

In 2007, she received Project Funding from the Danish Arts Council, and in 2008, she was awarded Project Funding from BMUKK. Lone Haugaard Madsen received a three-year Working Grant from the Danish Arts Council in 2011, a State Scholarship from BMUKK in 2014, an Appreciation Award for the Exhibition at Galleri Bianca in 2014, and Ole Haslunds Kunstnerlegat in 2015. 

Lone Haugaard Madsen's recent solo exhibitions have been held at various venues worldwide, including Nicolas Krupp (Basel), SOPHIE TAPPEINER (Vienna), Bianca D'Alessandro (Copenhagen), KS Room (Feldbach), Galerie Nagel Draxler (Berlin), among others. 

Currently, Lone Haugaard Madsen lives and continues to work in Vienna, Austria. 

 Lone Haugaard Madsen's Art Style

In her artistic practice, Haugaard Madsen brings into focus and navigates the conditions surrounding the production of culture, meaning, and value. The material facets of production serve as her starting point: her works frequently incorporate objects accumulated in her own workspace, discovered in the studios of artist friends, or sourced from the workshops and warehouses of art institutions.

She gathers materials and objects, subjects them to a process of reinterpretation, and transforms them until a network-like hybrid takes shape, making the intricate interconnections of art-making tangible.

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