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Georg Herold

Georg Herold is a German artist known for his unconventional approach to sculpture and installation art. He was born in Jena, Germany, and studied at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg in the 1970s.

Herold's work is characterized by his use of unconventional materials, such as bricks, paper scraps, copper or eclectic household and food items, to create sculptures that challenge traditional notions of form and material. He often uses humor and irony in his work, subverting expectations and defying categorization.

His solo exhibitions include Contemporary Fine Arts (CFA), Berlin (2018); Kunstmuseum Bonn, Germany (2017); Magenta Plains, New York (2016); Weidingen, Luxembourg (2015); Perry Rubenstein Gallery, Los Angeles (2013); Museum Brandhorst, Munich (2012); and Gallerie Bärbel Grässlin, Frankfurt (2011), among others.

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