About the Artwork Patricia Dominguez Retrato Web 1.jpg

Patricia Domínguez

Hailing from the vibrant city of Santiago, Chile, and born in 1984, Patricia Domínguez has cultivated a rich and diverse body of work that transcends conventional artistic boundaries. Her artistry knows no limits, spanning various mediums, concepts, and realms to create captivating and thought-provoking pieces.

Patricia Domínguez's Art Style

Domínguez explores a diverse range of media, drawing upon myths, symbols, rituals, and healing practices. This synthesis combines artistic creativity with experimental ethnobotanical research. Domínguez employs watercolors, ceramics, sculptural assemblages, and video installations to create imagery reminiscent of shrines. These visuals draw from a wide-ranging vocabulary, encompassing plant life, consumer products, corporate wellness initiatives, and the digital realm.

Her artistic practice centers on challenging the expanding global influence of corporate cosmologies by exploring the intricate interconnections among species within the context of our digitized existence today. Her installations take the form of sculptures, videos, and publications, with the intention of mitigating the effects of late capitalism and ecological degradation on both the physical and social dimensions of our existence. Simultaneously, they delve into the liberating potential of artistic imagination as a means of psychic emancipation and a path to healing from our colonial trauma.

Patricia Domínguez's Artistic Achievements

Patricia Domínguez's solo exhibitions have been featured at esteemed venues worldwide, including the New Museum in New York, WAMx in Finland, CentroCentro in Madrid, YAP MoMA PS1 + Constructo in Santiago, Yeh Art Gallery in New York, Gasworks in London, TBA21 Collection at C3A in Córdoba, Sala CCU in Santiago, Galería Patricia Ready in Santiago, the Pizzuti Museum in Ohio, and ARCO Madrid.

However, her artistic journey isn't confined to exhibition spaces alone. She has been selected as an artist-in-residence at prestigious institutions worldwide, including ALMA in Chile, CERN in Switzerland, Gasworks in London, Meet Factory in Prague, Centro Matadero in Madrid, AIM Bronx Museum in New York, R.A.T. in Mexico, FLORA ars + natura in Bogota, The Institute of Critical Zoologists in Singapore, Sandarbh Residency in Partapur, India, and the American Museum of Natural History in New York.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Chile, Puchuncaví

  • Gallery:

    The RYDER