About the Artwork Portrait Jonas Lund Hat.jpg

Jonas Lund

Jonas Lund's eclectic body of work encompasses paintings, sculptures, photography, websites, and performances, all of which serve as a lens through which he examines the complex web of networked systems and power structures that define our modern world.

Jonas Lund's Art Style

Lund's artistic approach is as unique as it is thought-provoking. He thrives on creating systems and defining parameters, often requiring active engagement from the viewer. This collaborative dance between artist and audience leads to the creation of game-like artworks, where tasks unfold according to meticulously crafted algorithms or a set of rules. It's a dynamic process that challenges traditional notions of authorship and participation.

Through his artistry, Jonas Lund addresses the pressing issues arising from our increasingly digitized society. Questions of authorship, participation, and authority are laid bare for examination. He delves into the heart of the matter, questioning the mechanisms that govern the art world itself, from the production process to the authoritative power structures and practices within the art market.

Famous exhibitions of Jonas Lund

Jonas Lund's work has been featured in prestigious venues around the world, with solo exhibitions at The Photographers' Gallery (2019), Whitechapel Art Gallery in London (2016), Steve Turner in Los Angeles (2016, 2015, 2014), Växjö Konsthall in Sweden (2016), and Showroom MAMA in Rotterdam (2013), among others. His creative impact can also be seen in numerous group exhibitions, including renowned institutions like Centre Pompidou in Paris, Schinkel Pavillon in Berlin, ZKM in Karlsruhe, and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. His work has garnered acclaim in influential art publications such as Artforum, Frieze, Kunstforum, The New Yorker, and The Guardian, among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Sweden, Linköping

  • Gallery:

    The RYDER