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Claudia Pagès

Born in the vibrant city of Barcelona, Spain, in 1990, Claudia Pagès has emerged as a dynamic and innovative artist with a remarkable journey that spans readings, performances, solo exhibitions, and residencies in prestigious art institutions worldwide.

Biography of Claudia Pagès

Claudia Pagès' artistic endeavors have led her to the cultural epicenter of Madrid, where she has left her mark on institutions like La Casa Encendida in both 2021 and 2016, through readings and performances that challenge conventional notions of art and expression. Her artistry also found a home at Es Baluard in Mallorca in 2021, further emphasizing her commitment to engaging with diverse audiences.

Her talents transcended national borders as she made her presence felt at Perdu in Amsterdam in 2020 and Rile in Brussels in the same year, captivating audiences with her thought-provoking performances. In London, she left an indelible mark with appearances at The Wheelshunters Social Club & Jupiter Woods in 2019, showcasing her ability to bridge cultures through art. Her artistry was also on display at HAU2 & CreamCake in Berlin, as well as CentroCentro in Madrid in the same year, further solidifying her reputation as an artist of international caliber.

Claudia Pagès' journey of artistic exploration took her to prestigious institutions like MACBA in Barcelona in 2019 and Les Bains in Paris in the same year, solidifying her status as an artist whose work sparks meaningful dialogues. Her impact extended to Gasworks in London in 2018 and the Sharjah Art Foundation in the UAE in the same year, showcasing her ability to resonate with diverse audiences across the globe.

Claudia Pagès Exceptional Exhibitions

Claudia Pagès' remarkable solo and duo exhibitions have received critical acclaim. Recent highlights include shows at Fundació Miró in Barcelona in 2023, The RYDER in Madrid in 2022, and Àngels Barcelona in 2021, among others. Claudia Pagès' ability to captivate viewers with her artistry has not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by her solo exhibitions at La Capella de Sant Roc in Valls in 2018 and Paris Internationale in the same year (with Cordova Gallery).

She has been an integral part of group shows at renowned institutions such as CAPC in Bordeaux in 2021, Kunstverein Braunschweig in 2021, and MACBA in Barcelona in 2021, showcasing her ability to engage with diverse artistic landscapes.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1990

  • Country:

    Spain, Barcelona

  • Gallery:

    The RYDER