About the Artwork Art Basel Niklas Taleb Thumbnail.jpg

Niklas Taleb

Niklas Taleb is a German artist who was born in Munich in 1986. He studied at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany, where he currently lives and works. Taleb is also the founder and co-curator of Belle Air, an exhibition space in Essen that was active from 2014 to 2017, and a co-founder of the artist group New Bretagne.

In 2020, Taleb was awarded the Peter Mertes Scholarship of the Bonner Kunstverein, and he held his first solo exhibition, titled "Dream again of better Generationenvertrag," at Lucas Hirsch in Düsseldorf in the same year. His recent and upcoming solo and duo exhibitions include shows at CAPC Musée d’Art Contemporain de Bordeaux (with Phung-Tien Phan) in 2022, Edouard Montassut in Paris in 2022, and 15 Orient in New York in 2022.

Taleb's work has been exhibited at various art institutions, including Bonner Kunstverein, Peach in Rotterdam, Haus der Wig in Berlin, Kunstverein Hamburger Bahnhof in Hamburg, Neuer Essener Kunstverein, Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, and Vleeshal Center for Contemporary Art in Middelburg.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:

    Germany, Essen