About the Artwork Frieze Contributor Photo Sophie Thun.jpg

Sophie Thun

Sophie Thun is a contemporary artist born in 1985 and raised in Warsaw. She primarily works with analogue photography, exploring its spaces, processes, and conditions of production and exhibition. Thun completed her master's degree in Fine Arts at the Academies of Fine Art in Vienna and Cracow.

Thun has exhibited her work in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums around the world. Her recent solo and two-person exhibitions include "Working Title" at Galeria Madragoa in Lisbon, "Trails and Tributes" at Kunstverein Hildesheim in Hildesheim, "Merge Layers" at SOPHIE TAPPEINER in Vienna, and "SHIFTS (RAL5014)" at Rosa Stern Space in Munich. She was also part of the "Förderstipendium" exhibition at the Art Foyer in Frankfurt and "I don't Remember a Thing. Entering the Elusive Estate of ZDZ*" at Kim? Contemporary Art Center in Riga.

Thun has been awarded the work grant from DZ Bank for 2019/2020 and the outstanding artist award from the Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture from the Republic of Austria. Her work is included in the permanent collections of the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg, the Landesmuseum Oberösterreich in Linz, the SMART Museum in Chicago, the DZ Bank art collection in Frankfurt, and the Verbund Collection in Vienna.

Thun has published a monograph with contributions by Lucy Gallun, Catherine Wood, Lisa Long, and an interview with Charlotte Cotton, as well as other publications such as "Sophie Thun" and "WHITE FLAG."

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  • Years:

    Born in 1985

  • Country:

    Poland, Warsaw