About the Artwork 18 Angelika Loderer.jpg
© Photo by Florian Langhammer

Angelika Loderer

Angelika Loderer is an artist born in 1984 and based in Vienna, Austria. She studied at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, Wimbledon College of Art in London, and Hendrix College in Arkansas, USA. Loderer's work is influenced by modernism, and she challenges the boundaries between form and content by emphasizing the performative power of the informe. She also incorporates contingency as a formative condition in her work, using materials, processes, and display mechanisms that perform and expose the object's internal balancing act in relation to an equally contingent spectator.

Loderer has held several solo exhibitions in Vienna, including "Marshlands" (2022) and "Night Pieces" (2020) at SOPHIE TAPPEINER, "Poems to Gadgets" (2018) at Grazer Kunstverein, and "Quiet Fonts" (2017) at Sophie Tappeiner. She has also exhibited her work internationally, with shows in Berlin, Mexico City, Prague, and New York City. Her work is included in the permanent collections of several institutions, including Albertina, Belvedere 21, Kunsthaus Bregenz, Landesgalerie Linz, Lentos, Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Universalmuseum Joanneum, and EVN.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1984

  • Country:

    Austria, Vienna