FLAME is a collaborative art practice between Taslima Ahmed and Manuel Gnam. Their work involves consuming information from various sources and filtering, rearranging, and reproducing it to feed into the gallery circuit. FLAME operates as a substitute for different cultural forces, such as the invisible hand of the art market, the collective voice of the internet, or a data-based will of the people. Their works are comprised of stacks, buttons, symbols, animations, performances, and installations, often referring to new technologies that feed bodily impulses and desires.

FLAME has exhibited their work in various galleries and institutions around the world, including "You Probably Have Everything You Need to Browse This Site" at Galerie Noah Klink in Berlin in 2022, "Image Power. Institutional Critique Today" at Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, NL in 2020, and "Flame" as a solo show at Shoot The Lobster in New York in 2019. They have also participated in group exhibitions such as "Turbulence" at Gallery Malmo in Edinburgh, UK, "Technoscapes" at Heidelberger Kunstverein in Heidelberg, DE, and "Comrades of Time" at Hardspace in Basel, CH.

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