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Francis Upritchard

Francis Upritchard's art observes human nature, skillfully navigating the boundary between realism and fantasy. Her artistic expression is rooted in figurative sculpture, seamlessly intertwining references from literature, ancient sculptures, burial grounds, and science fiction. Her installations feature an array of materials, with her distinctive figurative sculptures crafted from polymer plastic, amorphous mythological figures in balata (natural rubber), bronze dinosaurs, glass vessels, and ceramic urns.

Biography of Francis Upritchard

Francis Upritchard was born in New Plymouth, New Zealand, in 1976. From 1994 to 1997, she studied at the Ilam School of Fine Arts at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Initially considering a focus on painting, she shifted her interest to sculpture in her first year of study. Shortly after completing her degree, Upritchard relocated to London.

In December 2001, Upritchard, along with fellow artist Luke Gottelier, co-founded the Bart Wells Institute, an artist-run space located in a semi-derelict Hackney warehouse.

Her inaugural exhibition in New Zealand, titled "Doomed, Doomed, All Doomed," took place at Artspace, Auckland, in 2005. A year later, she was awarded the 2006 Walters Prize.

Upritchard represented New Zealand at the 53rd Venice Biennale (2009), and she also participated in "Viva Arte Viva" at the 57th Venice Biennale (2017).

In February 2016, a retrospective exhibition showcasing the initial two decades of Upritchard's career, titled "Francis Upritchard: Jealous Saboteurs," premiered at MUMA (Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne).

Her recent solo exhibitions include "A Loose Hold" at Kunsthaus Pasquart in Biel/Bienne (2022), "Surf 'n' Turf" at Kate MacGarry in London (2022), "Paper, Creature, Stone" at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū in New Zealand (2022), "Big Fish Eat Little Fish" at Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens in Sint Martens-Latem (2020), and many more.

Francis Upritchard's works have also been showcased at group exhibitions, including "100 Hooks" at Blunk Space in Point Reyes (2023), "The Horror Show! A Twisted Tale of Modern Britain" at Somerset House in London (2022), "Lives of an Object" at Arch Athens in Athens (2021), among others.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1976

  • Country:

    New Zealand, New Plymouth

  • Gallery:

    Kate MacGarry