About the Artwork Francesco Barocco 651700

Francesco Barocco

Francesco Barocco is a well-known Italian artist born in Susa, Turin, in 1972. 

Francesco Barocco's Art Style 

Francesco Barocco's art defies easy summarization in terms of themes or languages. Above all, it is characterized by an attitude reflecting the daily demands of work within his studio—a quest for an authentic sense of creation that inevitably involves the continuous exploration of new approaches.

He does not overlook traditional techniques, especially engraving, and maintains a deep connection with art history. The entirety of images, ranging from ancient to modern art, Western and beyond, serves as a rich heritage from which he freely draws.

Exhibitions of Francesco Barocco's Artwork

The artist has exhibited his works widely in Italy and worldwide. Barocco has held solo exhibitions at venues such as Galerie Mehdi Chouakri (Berlin), Nicolas Krupp (Basel), Norma Mangione Gallery (Turin), GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Turin), Laura Bartlett Gallery (London), and many more.

Francesco Barocco's works have been featured in numerous group shows, including "Domus contemporanea" at Galleria civica-MART in Trento (2023), "Eclettica!" at Museo Ettore Fico in Turin (2022), "DE ARTE VENANDI" at Knust Kunz Gallery Editions in Munich (2021), "On the Principle of Contradiction" at GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Turin (2021), among others.

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