B. Wurtz

B. Wurtz has been creating small-scale sculptural pieces using commonplace items. Papier-mâché assemblages delicately perch on ready-made polystyrene plinths, sculptures crafted from straws, plastic cups, and bottle tops are intricately connected with pieces of string, and aluminum pan paintings and socks sewn onto raw canvas showcase the diversity of his artistic range. He embraces, subverts, and reimagines objects so familiar that they are almost unnoticed in our daily routines.

Biography of B. Wurtz

B. Wurtz was born in Pasadena, California, in 1948. He earned a BA degree from the University of California at Berkeley in 1970 and an MFA from the California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, in 1980.

In 2015, the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art in Gateshead hosted "Selected Works 1970-2015," a retrospective of Wurtz's creations. In September 2018, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, unveiled the inaugural U.S. museum survey for B. Wurtz, titled "This Has No Name."

B. Wurtz has received numerous awards and accolades, including honors from the Peter S. Reed Foundation (2008) and The Pollock-Krasner Foundation (2012).

Throughout his illustrious art career, B. Wurtz has had over 50 solo exhibitions and has participated in more than 170 group exhibitions. His recent solo shows include "You Know, This Is How He Is" at Office Baroque in Antwerp (2023), "Monuments" at Garth Greenan Gallery in New York (2022), "Monday" at Maisterravalbuena in Madrid (2021), "B. Wurtz" at Kate MacGarry in London (2019), and many more.

Among the recent group exhibitions showcasing B. Wurtz's works are "Band Together" at Setareh in Berlin (2023), "Still" at Platform Project Space in Brooklyn (2022), "Happy Mechanics" at Hollybush Gardens in London (2021), among others.

Currently, B. Wurtz resides in New York, where he continues to work. 

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  • Years:

    Born in 1948

  • Country:

    United States of America, Pasadena, California

  • Personal website