About the Artwork Eisenring Christoph 1024x1024

Christoph Eisenring

Swiss artist Christoph Eisenring entices viewers with subtleties, where nothing is quite as it initially appears in his works. Employing minimal interventions, he presents a perceived reality that ultimately reveals itself as a trick of the senses upon closer examination. Eisenring's art captivates through its bold reduction in form and color. Utilizing various media such as photography, paper cuts, drawings, prints, and plaster casts, he consistently adopts a minimalist approach.

Biography of Christoph Eisenring

Christoph Eisenring was born in Frauenfeld in 1983. Currently residing and working in Winterthur and Schaffhausen, Eisenring's artistic journey is marked by a rich tapestry of education, accolades, and a series of compelling solo exhibitions.

Eisenring's artistic voyage began with a Gestalterischer Vorkurs at the Hochschule der Künste in Zürich in 2004-05. This served as a stepping stone for his Bachelor of Fine Arts, which he pursued at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern from 2005 to 2008. Continuing his academic pursuit, he earned a Master of Fine Arts from the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst (FHNW) in Basel between 2011 and 2013.

Eisenring's artistic prowess has garnered recognition and support from various quarters. In 2014, he was awarded a Reisestipendium by the Kunstverein Winterthur, followed by the Förderpreis der Stadt Winterthur in 2015. The Manor Kunstpreis Kanton Zürich honored him in 2017, and in 2018, he received a Förderbeitrag from the UBS Kulturstiftung, underlining the impact and relevance of his work.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1983

  • Country:

    Switzerland, Frauenfeld