About the Artwork 62d044c31a173 Px7a1605copy Large.jpg
© Photo by Alexander James-Aylin

Andrew Kerr

Andrew Kerr is a visual artist based in Glasgow, born in 1977. He has exhibited extensively both nationally and internationally. His work explores the relationship between figuration and abstraction, and the intersection between the apparent subject of an image and the material composition of the work. He has worked with a range of mediums including painting, sculpture, and found materials.

Selected solo exhibitions include "Bridge for July" at Matthew Brown in Los Angeles (2021), "Mist at the Pillars" at The Modern Institute in Glasgow (2019), "Blum & Poe" in New York (2018), "Wyndham School of Dancing" at The Modern Institute, Bricks Space in Glasgow (2016), "Away with Nora" at BQ in Berlin (2015), "The gallery is beside a church, apartments and a small park with fountain" at Rat Hole Gallery in Tokyo (2015), "My Ceiling Our Responsibility" at Shane Campbell Gallery in Chicago (2014), "Dellmess was Charged" at The Modern Institute in Glasgow (2012), "Haul in, Cousin" at BQ in Berlin (2012), "So Ensconced" at Inverleith House in Edinburgh (2011), "Deliveries: feeling one, running one, accepting one, against one, preparing one, revising one and sending one" at Kunstverein Bremerhaven (2009), and "Cojones Need Patience" at The Modern Institute in Glasgow (2007).

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  • Years:

    Born in 1977

  • Country:

    United Kingdom, Glasgow

  • Gallery:

    Matthew Brown