TARWUK is a collaborative art duo composed of Ivana Vuksic and Bruno Pogacnik Tremow. Vuksic was born in Dubrovnik, Croatia, and Tremow was born in Zagreb, Croatia. They have exhibited their work over the past seven years in solo exhibitions in Berlin, Vienna, Zagreb, and at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in Rijeka, Croatia, among others. They recently exhibited at 15 Orient and Martos Gallery in New York and are currently in residence in the Sharpe-Walentas Studio Program. In October 2021, they presented an exhibition at the Collezione Maramotti in Reggio Emilia, Italy.

Vuksic earned an MA in Political Sciences from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb in 2006, while Tremow earned an MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts at the University of Zagreb in 2008 and an MFA from Columbia University's School of the Arts in New York in 2014.

TARWUK's work often combines sculpture, performance, and installation, exploring themes of identity, time, and memory through the lens of cultural and historical contexts. They frequently incorporate found and natural materials into their work, such as wood, stone, and clay, and create site-specific installations that respond to the space in which they are exhibited. Their collaborative practice also emphasizes the process of making, often incorporating traditional techniques such as ceramics and woodworking.

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