About the Artwork O'connor Headshot.2.jpg

Kent O’Connor

Kent O'Connor is a contemporary artist based in Los Angeles, born in 1987. He received his BFA from Maryland Institute of College of Art and his MFA from Yale University School of Art. O'Connor's recent work focuses on painting and his recent exhibitions include solo and two-person shows such as "Close the Door Behind You" at Matthew Brown, Los Angeles in 2021, "New Paintings" at Diane Rosenstein, Los Angeles in 2018, and "Flower Paintings" at The Study, New Haven, CT in 2017.

In addition, O'Connor has participated in various group exhibitions such as "Their Private Worlds Contained the Memory of a Painting that has Shapes as Reassuring as the Uncanny Footage of a Sonogram" curated by Sedrick Chisom at Matthew Brown, Los Angeles in 2022, "The Scenic Route" at 1969 Gallery, New York in 2021, and "It Seems So Long Ago" at Matthew Brown, Los Angeles in 2020.

O'Connor has received the Dumfries House Fellowship at the Royal Drawing School in Ayrshire, Scotland in 2017, which is a prestigious award for young artists. His artwork has been shown in galleries in both the United States and Europe, and his paintings often incorporate vivid colors and abstract shapes.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1987

  • Country:

    United States of America

  • Gallery:

    Matthew Brown