About the Artwork Pavlou a 400x500.jpg

Anastasia Pavlou

Anastasia Pavlou is a Greek artist born in 1993 who currently lives and works in Athens. She is a graduate of the Athens School of Fine Arts, where she received Jury Honours in 2017. She is currently participating in the 2nd SNF Artist Fellowship Program of ARTWORKS, which supports emerging artists in Greece.

Anastasia's work has been exhibited in a number of solo and group shows. In 2019, she had her first solo show called "belly ache" at Hot Wheels Projects in Athens. Her work has also been featured in group exhibitions such as "The Same River Twice" at the Benaki Museum in Athens, which was co-curated by the New Museum in New York and the DESTE Foundation in Athens. She has also exhibited at the Royal Academy in London in the show "Image Drum," as well as "Schmaltz" at Guimaraes Vienna and "Be Water Again" at Korai Art Space in Nicosia, curated by Panos Giannikopoulos and Theodoulos Polyviou.

Anastasia's work is characterized by its unique visual language, which often incorporates bright colors, bold shapes, and surreal elements. Her pieces often explore themes of identity, memory, and the human condition, and she is known for her ability to capture complex emotions in her art. She frequently employs a variety of mediums in her work, including painting, drawing, and sculpture, creating pieces that are both visually stunning and conceptually engaging.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1993

  • Country:

    Greece, Athens