About the Artwork Jarvis 560426a7498e6703813d8266

Adam Holý

Adam Holy is a contemporary artist from the Czech Republic, born in Usti nad Labem in 1974. He had his first verified exhibition, "Adam Holý: Zjevení," at Galerie Jelení - Center for Contemporary Art in Prague in 2007, and his most recent exhibition, "Adam Holý - Post Post Mantra," at Polansky Gallery in Prague in 2018. While Holy is most frequently exhibited in the Czech Republic, he has also had exhibitions in Germany. Over the past 11 years, he has had at least four solo shows and five group shows. Although he has only been in one art fair and no biennials, a notable show was "I Don't Exist When You Don't See Me" at Futura in Prague in 2007. Holy has been exhibited alongside Michal Pechoucek and Aleksandra Vajd. His global ranking is among the Top 1,000,000 and among the Top 1,000 in Czechia. His career chart on the trends page illustrates his career since 2007.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1974

  • Country:

    Czech Republic, Prague

  • Gallery:
