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Jakub Choma

Jakub Choma is a Slovakian artist who was born in 1995 and currently lives and works in Prague, Czech Republic. He is known for his work that explores the aesthetics of digital waste, with a focus on the material nature of the digital environment. Choma creates picture assemblages that serve as segments from which he creates larger installations in the form of ambient assemblages.

Choma's recent work has incorporated the use of cork, which he shapes and works in various ways, while intentionally drawing on the often-contradictory associations associated with this material. His art is characterized by the DIY (Do It Yourself) aesthetic, a phenomenon that he contrasts with the current trends of new materialism.

Choma received his education at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, where he studied in the painting studio of Jiří Černický and Michal Novotný from 2014 to 2021.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1995

  • Country:


  • Gallery:
