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Anusman (Wang Shuo)

Wang Shuo, born in 1984 in Liaoning, China, is a comic artist and China's first comic theory theorist. He earned a Ph.D. degree from the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design in Beijing, China in 2017, a Master's degree from the European School of Visual Arts in Angouleme, France in 2012, and a Bachelor's degree from the Annecy School of Arts in Annecy, France and Tsinghua University in Beijing, China in 2010 and 2007 respectively. Currently, he teaches comics at the Beijing Film Academy.

Wang Shuo has published dozens of independent comic books, including the best-selling "Mr.Men", and his works have been featured in columns of several renowned domestic and foreign magazines. His works have been collected by many museums, including the Musée de la bande dessinée d'Angoulême in Paris. Some of his major solo exhibitions in recent years include "Joy of Ink" at WKLY in Shanghai, China (2017), "Ignoramus" at Tabula Rasa Gallery in Beijing, China (2017), and "Market Street - anusman's One Year" at Tabula Rasa Gallery in Beijing, China (2019).

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