About the Artwork Lukas Karbus by Peter Fabo.jpg

Lukáš Karbus

Lukáš Karbus is a Czech artist born in 1981 in Ceska Lipa, Czech Republic. He currently lives and works in Janov, Czech Republic. He received his education from the Glass School in Nový Bor, Czech Republic, where he studied under Karel Kreisinger, Stanislav Klemeš, and Jiří Jiskra from 1997-2000. He then attended the Painting Studio 2 at the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Brno University of Technology in Brno, Czech Republic, where he studied under Martin Mainer from 2001-2007.

Karbus has received several fellowships, including the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb, Croatia in 2005, the School of Design at the University of Leeds, Great Britain in 2004, and an internship at the glass school in Leerdam, Netherlands from 1999-2001.

He has won several awards, including the 2nd place in the Cena kritiky za mladou malbu (Critic's Prize for Young Painting) in 2010, the Cena nadání J. M. Z. Hlávkových in 2008, and was a finalist for the Jindřicha Chalupeckého Award in 2015, where he also received the audience prize.

His work is included in the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, the Leinemann Foundation in Berlin/Hamburg, the Collection of Dorothea Zwirner in Berlin, the Richard Adam Gallery, and the Marek Collection.

Karbus is a member of the artist groups Punkwa from 2006-2009 and Svitava from 2009-2010. His art practice spans across different media including painting, sculpture, and installation. Karbus' art often deals with themes of power, social norms, and the human psyche. He employs a range of techniques and materials, often combining the traditional and the contemporary.

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