About the Artwork Zuzanna Czebatol Portrait 2.jpg

Zuzanna Czebatul

Zuzanna Czebatul is a sculptor based in Berlin, Germany, born in 1986. She completed her fine arts studies at the Städelschule in Frankfurt/Main in 2013 and later attended the MFA program at Hunter College in New York on a Fulbright scholarship. Czebatul is interested in breaking down limitations in art, gender roles, and societal systems of rule. Her work has been exhibited internationally, including solo and group exhibitions at Kunstpalais Erlangen and the Athens Biennale in 2021, Kunsthalle Bratislava in 2019, and MINI/Goethe Institute Ludlow 38 in New York in 2015. She will participate in the Geneva Biennale: Sculpture Garden in the summer of 2022.

Czebatul's sculptures are known for their material diversity, often featuring a mix of materials such as plush, PVC, concrete, and steel. She considers no one material or subject to be more valuable than another, and her artistic practice often takes up motifs that are ignored by society. Czebatul seeks to visualize problems in her work without making accusations. She was described by the art magazine Monopol as "one of the most remarkable young sculptors."

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  • Years:

    Born in 1986

  • Country:


  • Gallery:

    Sans titre