About the Artwork Ezio Gribaudo

Ezio Gribaudo

Ezio Gribaudo was an Italian artist born on January 10, 1929, in Turin, Italy, and passed away on July 18, 2022. He attended the Accademia di Brera in Milan from 1949 to 1952 and studied architecture at the Polytechnic University of Turin from 1950 to 1952. He had his first solo exhibition at the Saletta Cristallo in Turin in 1953 and had an important exhibition at La Bussola Gallery in Turin in 1959. From 1959 to 1974, he worked as an editor for the Fratelli Pozzo publishing house.

Throughout his career, Gribaudo traveled extensively, visiting places such as Paris, Moscow, Bucharest, New York, and Mexico. He was associated with different artistic circles and met artists such as Marcel Duchamp, Hans Hofmann, Graham Sutherland, and Henry Moore. He moved away from Art Informel aesthetics in the mid-1960s and drew closer to Nouveau Réalisme. In 1966, he was awarded the Official Prize at the Venice Biennale, and a year later, he received an award at the São Paulo Bienal. He continued to travel throughout his life, and his trips to China and Australia had a significant influence on his work.

Gribaudo exhibited his work in several institutions, including the Kunstverein, Gottingen, the Marlborough Gallery in London, and the Michaud Gallery in Florence. In 1986, he had a retrospective at the Centro Incontri Avigdor in Turin, and in 2003, he received the City of Turin’s Gold Medal. In 2005, he was elected President of the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin and became an Honorary Academician of the same institution in 2008.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1929

  • Country:

    Italy, Turin

  • Gallery:

    Sans titre