About the Artwork F8 D975 D2 D F8 F 4351 92 D7 Bd A2198 D8 C82

March Avery

March Avery's artistic journey began at a young age, as she grew up in a family of artists who instilled in her a love for creating. By the time she was two years old, she was already sculpting, painting, and drawing on her own. Despite her father's non-verbal approach to painting, March would show him her work and receive only the advice to "paint another."

Despite this lack of formal instruction, March Avery developed a unique and original style that emerged from her direct observation of the world around her. Her parents, who were also dedicated artists, worked alongside her and influenced her strong work ethic and discipline. Today, March continues to dedicate herself to her art, working six days a week in her studio.

March Avery currently resides in New York City with her husband, Philip G. Cavanaugh, a scholar and photographer, and is in close proximity to her son, Sean A. Cavanaugh, a painter, his wife, and their daughter. In her art, March focuses on simplifying her subjects to their most essential elements of color and form, resulting in flattened compositions that approach abstraction even in her figurative work. Her masterful use of color is evidenced in her signature palette of rosy pink, dusty yellow, ochre, and cobalt, which she employs to create striking contrasts.

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  • Years:

    Born in 1932

  • Country:

    United States of America, New York

  • Gallery:

    Blum & Poe